With Christmas quickly approaching, I wanted to talk a little bit about how we can “purchase with a purpose” as we think about the gifts we will be buying for our loved ones! Shopping ethically is something that should be important to us as Christians for so many reasons. Let’s first talk a little about why, as disciples of Jesus, this is important, and then we will get into some great ethical gift ideas and brands that give back that we can support all throughout the year.
Why is ethical shopping important to Christians?
God’s Good Kingdom
As Christians, the gospel should impact every aspect of our everyday lives: our heart attitudes, the way we live our lives, interact with others, spend our money, fight for the needs of others, etc. The way we live is not only an act of worship to God, but is a means to declare what His Kingdom looks like with Him as King. It is to declare to the world how excellent, majestic, mighty, good, and gracious our King is. 1 Peter 2:9 gives us this picture:
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
1 Peter 2:9
“It is not enough to deliver the gospel to the nations, we are called to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations, where most people live in poverty and endure the effects of corruption and injustice…Responding to poverty, corruption, and injustice is central to being a good citizen in God’s Kingdom and living out His righteousness.”
-Navpress, “Responding Biblically to Poverty, Corruption, and Injustice”
The way of the Kingdom is to care about what God cares about! Stopping to look at what we buy is one way to declare the excellencies of God’s Kingdom in the world. The money we spend on the purchases we make is making either a positive or a negative difference on the lives of people around the globe.
Take a moment to think about all of the people that it takes to source materials for a product, to make it, to ship it, etc. So much of what we spend our money on is actually harming people all over the world because of who is making it, the conditions in which they are making it, and the way they are being treated as they make it (among many other issues!).
The Bible is clear that God fights for the vulnerable, poor, exploited, and hurting, and it is clear that God calls us, as followers of Him to fight for them as well. I talk more in depth about this in my post “The Gospel and Injustice.” Head over to that post to read more in depth on how the gospel speaks to this aspect of our everyday lives. But, the point of this post is not to unpack this completely, so let me just list a few verses where we see clearly that God cares both for the treatment of all people, as well as for the way His disciples care for them.
“He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.” Psalm 89:14
“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:16-18
Care for God’s Creation
Along with considering the treatment of people across the globe, we can take into consideration the way things are made and the impact it has on God’s creation. As people created in God’s image, we must consider how we are stewarding what He has made and taking care of His creation alongside Him.
There are clearly so many ways we can be a voice and love the vulnerable, but this specific area of shopping ethically is one very practical way we can make a difference for families all across the globe. As we choose to support companies that are caring for their employees and the world God created, we are taking one big step in being conscious consumers and taking responsibility for how WE are impacting the world as the people of God’s Kingdom.
What does it mean to shop ethically?
There is much research to do when thinking about shopping ethically. For me, shopping ethically means I’m thinking about WHO is being impacted by the things that I’m purchasing. Who made it, how were they treated, and how does it impact the community it comes from. There are many factors to consider when thinking about shopping ethically. Things like people earning a living wage, their working environment, freedom from forced labor, the affect on the environment, social equality, and many others impact what it means to shop ethically. I found this article from Positively Cultivated helpful to dig deeper into this. I also use a few apps and websites designed to help you know more behind the company and products you are buying:
Apps and Websites to Help You Shop Ethically:
Good on You App (Rates clothing and accessory brands)
Shop Ethical! App (Rates pretty much everything! I love this one for toiletries, toys, office supplies, etc. It also has a barcode scanner which is super helpful when out shopping!)
Baptist World Aid Ethical Fashion Guide (Rates clothing brands)
This is by no means something I am great at, but it is something I am working towards changing my mindset and applying that to how my family spends our money. Ok, now let’s get to some great brands and ethical gift ideas to help you purchase with a purpose!
Brands That Give Back: Ethical Gift Ideas
Gifts for All!:
Thread Harvest
This is a great website that features ethical brands and companies. I LOVE this site! You can search for items depending on the cause you get most behind and each item says whether it is fair-trade, employs the marginalised, empowers women, is organic, eco-friendly, up cycled, cause supporting, or supports a living wage. It was also a great way to find all sorts of other companies by clicking on their links to the companies represented there. They have stuff for anyone in the family, even socks, shoes, handbags, and accessories.
*Many of the companies on here are giving back in awesome ways, you’ll just have to click the link to find out how!

Mata Traders
They have women’s tops, skirts, dresses, and accessories that are celebrating the art form that these artisans love using. These fun, colorful patterns are made from women in India and Nepal. They are beautiful and oh so fun!
*They have a passion to help with global poverty and with every purchase, you are giving to help end poverty in Indian and Nepal! Check out their site for some awesome stories of the families that have been impacted and brought out of poverty through their role with Mata Traders.

This is one of my favorites places to purchase my clothes! Colorful tees, tops, dresses, and cardigans for women PLUS men’s and children’s clothes too. It’s “a tee that looks like more than a tee” as their website says. Perfect!
*Each garment is sewn by women rescued from sex trafficking in Nepal. Their partner organisation rescues over 20,000 women and children each year at the border of Nepal and India. They offer employment for these women and impact families hugely. These jobs offer hope, restoration, dignity, and an ability to take care of their family. I just LOVE this company so much!

Driftless Style
This one is so exciting for me to share with you because the founder is one of my dearest friends! Driftless Style is a beautiful shop of items curated from artisans around the globe. As their site says, “through partnerships with global artisans, we are creating change in marginalized communities by promoting ethical practices like fair wages, safe working conditions, and no child or slave labor.” Check out the incredible selection of housewares, kitchen items, rugs, baskets, candles, bags, holiday items, and so much more!
*Not only does your purchase support these artisans around the world, but at the checkout, you get to choose from five organizations to give 5% of your purchase toward: Red Cross, International Justice Mission, One Tree Planted, Cedar Valley Angels, or Preemptive Love Coalition.

Better Life Bags
I love my bags from Better Life Bags! Their mission is to employ women in Detroit, Michigan who have various barriers to employment and gives them an opportunity they wouldn’t have had otherwise. You even get a card with your bag that says the woman’s name who made it and a little about her. This is a design-your-own bag, custom order website. This includes picking the fabric, the design, the clasp, etc. They also have leather journals, glasses cases, etc. SO much fun! And such incredible work they are doing to transform families in the Detroit area, and in turn, around the globe!

Noonday Collection
They sell a collection of beautiful creations by artisans across the globe. Their work is giving dignified jobs to so many and supporting entire villages by the jobs created and families being supported. They have jewelery and other accessories that are just stunning! What I love about Noonday is how they gather people together to share the stories of the communities being impacted by our purchases. Such an incredible company working with artisans all over the globe.

Mango and Main
They sell products made by artisans in Rwanda and Haiti, and are similarly working to give dignified work and transformation to these communities. They have items for your home, clothing, accessories, kids items, and jewellery. Their stuff is so fun and bright!

Globe In
Monthly subscriptions to boxes of artisan made items from around the world!! Oh, I think this would be so fun to do and a great gift to give! All items are fair trade, artisan made, and are prividing for families and communities around the world. You can also buy items individually on their site.

Conscious Step
Socks!! I love these fun patterned socks for both men and women!
*For every sock sold, you are supporting a partnering organisation that is carrying out world change in various areas: treat malaria, treat HIV, provide water, protect oceans, plant trees, fight hunger, end poverty, educate kids, disaster relief, or saving rainforests. Each sock supports a different cause and you can choose your sock depending on what cause you want to support!

The Leprosy Mission
They have so many amazing options, but my favorite things to buy from them are their handmade toys! So many fun puzzles, play sets, nativities, etc. They also have journals, tea, decorations, bags, and more. Their vision is to bring holistic support to those affected by leprosy and disabilities, and your purchases go towards just that! Such an amazing organization bringing the hope of the gospel holistically to so many.

Mercy House Global
This company has so many amazing gift ideas! There are soaps, candles, journals, coffee, decor, jewelry, etc! They exist to empower and disciple women around the globe, give dignified jobs to pregnant women in Kenya, and support families through their partnerships. Read more about their wonderful work on their website! And check out all the fun gifts that give back!

Alternative Gift Idea:
Compassion Gift Guide
Give a gift to someone in need in honor of the person you are giving a gift to! Through Compassion International (and so many other ministries), you can give gifts to those in need. Choose from giving an animal, emergency food packs, building a well, giving Bibles, or support those who need it most in various other ways. We LOVE doing this as a family and it’s a great way to get the kids involved too!

It is such a joy to give gifts that give back and make a difference in the world! I pray that this list will be a launching point for you to connect with companies that are making a lasting impact on lives across the globe. And may it bless those you are gifting to as they get to be a part of the precious stories of the lives of the artisans and companies making a difference around the world!
Don’t forget to save this list for later gifting! Enjoy purchasing with a purpose!

Looking for more Christmas fun? Check out my Advent Bible Reading Plan and my Daily Christmas Activities for Families OR sign up below to receive your free printables for the Advent Bible Reading Plan!
I love that you took the time to put together an ethical shopping list that helps spread the Gospel and love on others in their time of need! 🙂 We love to shop ethically, esp. during the gift-giving season!
Thanks so much, Nicki!!!
There is definately a lot to find out about this issue. I love all of the points you made. Fionnula Tracie Yoshiko