Discipleship. What’s the big deal? Why are we always talking about this big word? What does it even mean? Why does it get us so excited that we want you to be excited about it too?
Some of my earliest memories of understanding discipleship were during my years at university. While I definitely had women who intentionally invested in me during my high school years, it was during university that I began to hear this term and begin to grasp what it meant.
During those years, I began to get involved with a group on campus called The Navigators. I heard them talk a lot about discipleship, and was eager to learn more. One of my leaders began meeting with me each week to read the Bible together, discuss what was happening in life and in our relationship with God, and to pray together.
Over the next fews years, a few different women at different times intentionally discipled me and helped me in my walk with God. Not only did we meet up each week, they shared their lives with me, whether it was inviting me into their homes, doing everyday tasks together, or serving one another in various ways. They lived life alongside me, showed me the ups and downs of walking with Christ, and continually pointed me back to God. These years were incredibly influential in my life as I look back over the years.
I began to want to help others in this same way and started discipling other women as well. I started to research endlessly about discipleship, what it was, what to do, why we do it, etc. As I thought, researched, and talked to various women about this, I saw the simplicity of looking first at Christ’s example in this and secondly, looking at His command to make disciples.
How did Jesus make disciples?
When Jesus began His ministry, He didn’t start by calling huge crowds, starting big churches, or by starting some sort of revolution. Instead, He called twelve men to follow Him in everything that He did. He called them His disciples. They observed His life, the way He thought, talked, and acted in different situations, they heard Him preach on the Kingdom of God, and they saw how dependent He was on God and spending time in prayer with Him each day. They watched Him, asked Him questions, and follow His way of life. We can learn so much about what discipleship is by looking at how Jesus made disciples and following in His ways.
After Jesus died and rose again, His parting words to His disciples from Matthew 28:19-20 were:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
This was His big vision for them to take the gospel to the rest of the world! He wanted them to do exactly what He had been doing with them. Making disciples is a command from Jesus and is His plan for carrying out His name to all the nations.
How did the first disciples carry on Jesus’ vision?
This is huge! Not only do we see this command from Jesus, but we see it being carried out and get a picture for discipleship from the disciples as they begin to spread the gospel throughout the nations. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, we get a picture of what this looked like between Paul and Timothy, as well as from Timothy to others. It says:
“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
Look at all the disciples being made here! Paul has discipled Timothy and others, Timothy then goes on to disciple others, and then these others will go on to disciple others. Disciples who make disciples who make disciples! Doesn’t this just get you excited? Look at the spiritual multiplication happening here. Look at all the people being reached with the love of Christ and cared for by followers of Christ. You begin to see why this was Jesus’ big plan for reaching the world.
And if that isn’t enough to get you excited about making disciples, look to these exciting and mind blowing numbers…

{Image from discipleshiplibrary.com}
God’s plan for disciples who make disciples is an exciting adventure to be on! What a joy it is to come alongside others, help them follow Christ, and then help them to share with someone else how to do the same.
Where do we start?
Now if you’re like me, you’re excited but just don’t know where to start. Or you wonder, am I good enough or do I have anything to share? This is exactly why I started this site, to encourage you, equip you, and challenge you, whatever season of life you may be in, to reach out to those around you boldly with the gospel. It’s not about how much you think you have to share, but about letting Christ work through you- it is HIM that is doing the work and changing lives, you are just called to faithfully love and share with those around you.
It’s about finding someone to encourage towards Christ, humbly share what Christ is teaching you, allow them into your life and your world, and help them to do the same with others. And this is not meant to be done all on our own- that’s why we have each other as the body of Christ- to encourage, share ideas of what this looks like for us, and to do it together.
So, think today, who is your one you are discipling or who do you want to move towards intentionally with the gospel? What might making disciples look like in your home, your church, your neighborhood, or your workplace? Pray and allow God to lead the way as you seek to make disciples who make disciples, just like Christ did.
*If you’re still questioning what exactly defines someone as a disciple, check out this post: What is a Disciple?

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