What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been as the coronavirus spreads and impacts so many across the globe. It has been crazy to watch as the world spins seemingly out of control as panic rises. As fear takes over, people begin to hoard supplies like rice, pasta, and toilet paper, and the world all too quickly forgets about the needs of their neighbors. So, in the midst of social distancing and many in fear, what does the gospel have to say about all of this? Let’s first look at the gospel itself, then discuss how to be reminding ourselves of the hope of the gospel, and lastly look at how we can respond in a Christ-like way in the midst of this crisis.
A look into the gospel…
The gospel first takes us back to the beginning. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and it was very good- it was unstained from sin, corruption, hurt, or pain. People were in a right relationship with God, one another, and the earth He created (Genesis 1-2). But when sin came into the world, not only were humans cursed because of the sin they chose, but the earth was as well (Genesis 3). Fighting, selfishness, sickness, pain, and godlessness are all things that began to fill the earth. These are things we can clearly see over the past few months as sickness spread and fear took hold in so many causing chaos, fighting, and selfishness in our hearts.
Thankfully, God is committed to redeeming the earth He created and had a grand plan beyond Genesis 3…that was just the beginning. He is committed to not only redemption but restoration of all things, which He has completely accomplished in Christ. Because of Christ’s death for our sin and resurrection overcoming sin and death, there is hope in this chaotic, sinful world we live in. Where do we put our hope when it seems hope is lost and the world is crumbling? Our hope is in the fact that Christ has overcome sin and restored us to a right relationship with God, but that hope is not just for today but for all eternity. The end of the gospel story points to the day when Jesus will return to wipe away every tear from every eye as He ushers in the new creation.
Revelation 21:3-5 says—”And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
This is the great hope we have in Christ! Our hope is not in this world, in health or ease, but is in Christ as we look forward to the ultimate fulfillment of Him making ALL things new! So, as the world seems in chaos around us, we have a firm foundation in our hope in the gospel of Jesus. How times like these cause us to long for the day of Christ’s return!
In the meantime as we wait for Christ’s return, we can also take comfort in reminding ourselves of God’s character and His promises to us. He is a sovereign, good, faithful God. He is in control and none of this comes as a surprise to Him. He is worthy of our trust and surrender. A few promises that have been running through my heart and mind the past few weeks are:
Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Philippians 4:6-7: “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
As believers in Christ, we don’t need to fear, because God is with us and will strengthen us. We can bring our anxieties and fears to Him in prayer, trusting in His sovereign goodness and asking for Him to give us His peace that surpasses all understanding when all around us seems to be lacking peace.
How can we respond in a Christ-like way in the midst of this crisis?
As we are told to isolate and put social distancing into place, I am all the more aware of our need to come together (not physically!) to love, serve, and encourage one another. It is at times like this that we need each other the most, so it’s time to get creative with how we do that from a distance! Maybe that looks like catching up with a friend via video chat or maybe it means grabbing some items for your neighbors at the store (or being willing to share what you already have!). It could be drawing pictures and writing notes to send loved ones or to the elderly who are even more isolated at the moment. It might even just be engaging in a conversation with the cashier at the checkout and telling them they are doing an awesome job- I’m sure you will be their first happy customer of the day and will brighten their heart!
Let’s go out together as God’s people encouraging one another, finding ways to go out of our way to humbly serve one another, and extending the hope and peace of Christ to the world of anxiety and worry around us.
Let’s be intentional to share the love of Christ and be creative to find ways to spend time together even if that is virtually.
We need the hope of the gospel on our hearts, the encouragement of one another, and hands willing to serve selflessly.
Let’s go be the church God has called us to be as we showcase HIS character and goodness to the world around us.
And let’s pray diligently for God to be known and experienced in the midst of all this.
“For great is His love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.” Psalm 117:2

Looking for more gospel encouragements related to this pandemic? Check out these posts:
Biblical Truths to Dwell on in a Pandemic
Biblical Resources for Time in Isolation
Navigating the “New Normal”
Loving Your Neighbor by Wearing a Face Mask
May the God of hope give us all joy and peace as we trust in Him, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13. Thanks for the encouragement and hope, Kristin.
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