So, you’ve decided to start discipling someone, but what are the basic discipleship topics that you should cover? Where do you begin? Should you make a plan or just wing it every time that you meet together? There are so many angles that you can take in how to disciple someone. It can be overwhelming to know where to start!
Over the years, I have built up a list of basic discipleship topics that are helpful to cover with those I am discipling. This list is not meant to be a comprehensive list of topics to cover, but a starting point in thinking about where to begin or where to go from where you are already at. It is also not the only component to discipleship. Discipling others is not just sharing content with them, but sharing our lives with them as we walk alongside one another, modeling what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus ourselves. So, while the content for discipleship is so important, I also want to remind you that it is about sharing our lives with those we are pouring into. Spend time together. Welcome them into your home and your life. Grow in your relationship to one another and to God. I love how 1 Thessalonians 2:8 says this so well:
“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8
As we help others walk with Jesus, one of the most impactful things we can do is show them what it looks like to follow Jesus in our own lives. I firmly believe that discipleship is a “with them” approach, whether we are living life together doing the dishes or discussing the Bible or a topic from this resource, we are walking through these things together as we learn from one another how to apply the truths of the gospel to our everyday lives.
Before I get to the list, let’s talk about how to decide what to talk about in discipleship relationships.
What to talk about in discipleship:
There are so many things to think about, but here are some simple things to get you thinking as you begin discipling someone. Of course, all of this first takes beginning to grow in a relationship with this person and developing a trusting relationship.
Assess where they’re at in their walk with the Lord.
- What biblical truths do they need to learn?
- Do they have a firm grasp on the gospel?
- What areas of character do they need to grow in?
- What skills do they need to grow in as they disciple others?
- Are they equipped to pass on their faith to those around them?
Ask them what areas they want to grow in.
One of my favorite ways to use this basic discipleship topics resource sheet is to give it to the person I’m discipling and ask them to think and pray over ways they want to grow. From there, we can discuss where they’re at, what they would like from our time together, and how I can be an encouragement to them in our relationship.
Spend time in God’s Word and in prayer together!
If nothing else, get time in God’s Word together and spend time praying together. As you do this, discuss how you’re doing in your walk with the Lord and how to encourage one another toward Christ.
Start with the Basics.
We never get beyond the basics! And we want to make sure those we meet with aren’t either. I always start with an in-depth look at the gospel, having Christ as Lord of your life, obedience to Christ, how to read the Bible, pray, have fellowship, and witness to friends. Starting with the basics helps you to see where they are at in their walk with the Lord in so many ways and is always an encouragement!
Teach from your own experience.
We don’t just want to be passing along information, but also sharing what God has personally done in our lives. So, as you go through these different basic discipleship topics, share from your own experience. Share how God has worked in your life or is currently working in your life on this topic. Learn and grow together. Be honest, humble, vulnerable, and real with what God has done and is doing in your life.
Whatever you decide to do, be flexible!
After you have come up with a plan together, it can be easy to think that you need to stick to the plan, but that isn’t generally how it goes. Make a plan, but be flexible with it! It’s not about the plan, but about growing in our relationship to God and allowing Him to work through our time together. If the person you are meeting with is struggling with something in particular, throw the plan away for the day so that you can care for them in what they are going through. Be available, thoughtful, and allow God to guide your time together.
With that being said, let’s jump into some of the topics! I’m just going to list the topics to give you ideas, not to present a curriculum. From there, you can develop a plan for how you personally have grown in these areas that you discuss together. Get ready, the list is long, but stay tuned for the end where there is a printable to use for your own personal discipleship relationships.
Basic Topics for Discipleship:
The Basics of the Christian Life:
New Believers
The Five Assurances
Wheel Illustration
Read the Bible together
Clear Understanding of the Gospel
The Word of God
7 Minutes with God
Read the Bible Together
Hand Illustration
Scripture Memory
Inductive Bible Study
Topical Studies
Cross Referencing
Using Different Translations
ACTS Prayer Method
Prayer Hand
Simple Prayer List
Praying the Names of God
How to Spend a Day in Prayer
Reasons for true fellowship
Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
My Heart, Christ’s Home by
Robert Boyd Munger
Submission- Areas of struggle
Holy Spirit
Authority of Scriptures
Identity in Christ
Bridge Illustration
Personal Testimony
Born to Reproduce by Dawson Trotman
Make a Discipleship Plan for them to use with others
Prayer in Ministry:
-For someone to disciple
-For the nations (Operation World)
-For non-Christian family/friends
Great Commission/Multiplication
World Vision/Missions
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Warfare
Helpful Books on Witnessing/Discipleship
Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles E. Hummel
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
The Lost Art of Disciplemaking by Leroy Eims
Maturity in Christ:
Fruits of the Spirit
Trusting in God’s Promises
The Church
Life Issues
Time Management
God’s Will
Goal Setting
I have tons of resources to help get you started in some of these topics if you head over to my Discipleship Resources Page. There you will find many of these specific resources mentioned, so head over there to check them out!
Basic Discipleship Topics Printable

*This resource is meant to be shared! If you found it helpful, please share it with family and friends, use it as you disciple others in your life, and continue passing on a love for being a disciple of Christ who makes disciples!*
Thank you for this great discipleship topics resource sheet! Very helpful!
Great tips, Kristin! And such a comprehensive list of topics! I love this, especially the printable and will be sharing and using it!
Thanks so much, Beth! I pray it blesses you richly in discipling others!
I’m so glad! Enjoy!
Excellent resources
Thank you so much!!
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